Bones Black: Henchmen & Hirelings Boxed Set

Bones Black: Henchmen & Hirelings Boxed Set

Product #RPR44149

Regular Price: $39.99

Special Price: $32.99

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Manufacturer: Reaper

Bones Black figures are made using a grey polymer plastic material. They are lightweight, slightly flexible, very durable, and extremely detailed miniatures designed for painters and gamers.

You can paint a Reaper Bones Black model straight out of the package. We advise rinsing your models with some warm soap and water, and once they're dry you can begin painting.

• Most Bones Black figures have integral bases
• Minimal mold lines
• Easy to cut apart for conversions or weapon swaps
• Cyanoacrylate (eg "Superglue") works best to glue Bones Black together or to other materials
• All major brands of putty tested work with Bones Black

Approximate Height
Lantern Bearer: 49mm
Female Merc: 39mm
Male Porter: 33mm
Male Merc: 36mm
Arbelist: 35mm
Hedge Mage: 39mm
Mapper: 36mm
Link Girl: 45mm
Grenadier: 44mm
Scout: 27mm
Man-at-Arms: 36mm
Engineer: 32mm
Female Porter: 31mm

13 Miniatures
  ‣ Lantern Bearer
  ‣ Female Mercenary
  ‣ Male Porter
  ‣ Male Mercenary
  ‣ Arbelist
  ‣ Hedge Mage
  ‣ Mapper
  ‣ Link Girl
  ‣ Grenadier
  ‣ Scout
  ‣ Man-at-Arms w/ Lantern
  ‣ 10' Pole Engineer
  ‣ Female Porter w/ Wheelbarrow

Miniatures are supplied unpainted and pre-assembled.