Cthulhu Dice

Cthulhu Dice

Product #SJG131353

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Manufacturer: Steve Jackson Games

The Last Sane Cultist Wins!

Cthulhu Dice lets you drive your rivals mad very, very quickly. Players take turns rolling the big, beautiful, custom 12-sided die embossed with tentacles, Elder Signs, and more. Destroy your opponents' sanity. Better yet, steal it! But watch out - when Cthulhu comes up, he takes sanity from everyone! 18 Glass Sanity Marbles are included, lose them all and you've gone mad. The last sane cultist wins, unless everyone goes mad together. Then Cthulhu wins!

1 Custom Cthulhu d12 (Purple or Green)
18 Glass Sanity Marbles

Ages: 10+
Players: 2+
Game Length: 5 minutes

• Dice Rolling
• Player Elimination