A Song of Ice & Fire: Stone Crows (Multilingual)

A Song of Ice & Fire: Stone Crows (Multilingual)

Product #CMNSIF521

Regular Price: $37.99

Special Price: $30.99

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Manufacturer: Cool Mini or Not

As mountain tribes and raiders go, Tyrion Lannister's Stone Crows are quite ordinary, save their unexpected loyalty. While pledged more to Tyrion's coin than his person, they proved true to their word, even when betrayal might have been a more lucrative option. As mercenaries, these troops are worth their coin, if properly employed as scouts and flankers. Their light arms and armor make them unsuited to the front line in a protracted engagement.

Plastic components.

12 Miniatures
2 Unit Cards per Language (EN, PL, DE, FR, ES, HU)
1 Movement Tray

Miniatures are supplied unpainted and pre-assembled.

Due to distribution restrictions we are only able to ship this product to the United States, Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands.