Squishy RPG: Campfire Carnage

Squishy RPG: Campfire Carnage (Last Chance)

Product #EFPZ0083

Regular Price: $22.00

Special Price: $18.99

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Manufacturer: Exalted Funeral Press

Welcome to Camp Thistlemilk

In these woods there once stood one of the first factories in recorded history, which left the forst and lake a polluted mire for centuries. In the 960s, a hippy collective known as the "Custodians of the Future" took it into their hands to restore the place to some semblance of greenery. They started building the camp, named, somewhat sardonically, after the owner of the factory that once destroyed the local ecosystem - Ebenezer Thistlemilk. What a guy!

The project was abandoned, defunded as the Conservatives took power in the early 1980s. It is only now that the local government has returned their attention to the Evermore forest and its nascent summer camp, planning to re-open to the public this summer!

This book can used to generate Summer Camps as quick challenging "dungeon" style encounters in a Squishy campaign. Put one or two camps on the jobs board along with other Squishy modules, offer the players good pay, use the random tables to generate a campsite, re-arrange the locatoins, and enjoy the terror!
