Starfinder 2E RPG: Playtest Adventure #2 - Empires Devoured

Starfinder 2E RPG: Playtest Adventure #2 - Empires Devoured (Last Chance)

Product #PZO24003-SC

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Manufacturer: Paizo Publishing

Who Conquers the Conquerors?

A group of heroes from the Pact Worlds have arrived to witness the political event of the century: a treaty between the warlike Veskarium an the ruthless Azlanti Star Empire. The two galactic powers have agreed to coexist on a backwater world called Kehtaria, where both empires have established a base of operations. Hoping to avert future devastating war between the superpowers, champions of the Pact Worlds attend the negotiations for the birth of a new interstellar alliance to partake in the first steps toward a lasting peace in the galaxy.

That is, until it all goes wrong. A treacherous political conspiracy threatens to subvert the planned treaty when a surprise invasion by a new power shakes the planet. An armada of Azlanti forces calling themselves the Sihedron Guard attack Kehtaria, targeting Azlanti forces on the ground, their Veskarium allies, and anyone else unlucky enough to get in their way.

If the heroes can survive this orbital bombardment and help defeat the invaders, they will discover evidence of another plot. A plot not to gain territory or resources, but to destroy them. It's up to the heroes to save the galaxy - or bear witness as it's devoured.

62 pages