Starfinder RPG: Flip-Mat - Living Starships

Starfinder RPG: Flip-Mat - Living Starships

Product #PZO7340

Regular Price: $16.99

Special Price: $12.99

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Manufacturer: Paizo Publishing

It's Alive!

Blending complex biology and cutting-edge technology, living starships aren't traditional spacefaring creatures, but act as self-sustaining transports to which crews often form deep connections. These vessels can often gather power from solar energy or even regrow damaged systems - just like biological organisms!

This double-sided map presents two such living starships - one grown from plant-like components and the other being the adapted interior of a traveling space whale.

A special coating on each Flip-Mat allows you to use wet erase, dry erase, AND permanent markers with ease! Removing permanent ink is easy - simply trace over any permanent mark with a dry erase marker, wait 10 seconds, then wipe off both marks with a dry cloth or paper towel.