Top Dog Games
Stat Trackers are the ultimate GM tool for running 5E. Simply fold them and hang them over the GM screen in initiative order for the players to see. The GM side of the Tracker has all the stats and abilities for every monster, player character, and NPC in the encounter. No more juggling books - now you can just focus on the action!
Monster Trackers - All the stats for 317 official 5E monsters, NPCs, and animals are pre-printed in a condensed, easy-to-use format for the GM's reference. They are printed on durable, coated cardstock, and are pre-scored for easy folding over the GM screen. Dry-erase friendly.
Character Trackers - Simply fill in vital stats for each PC, including AC, HP, saves, skill, and ability modifiers, etc. No more need to ask, "What's your spell DC?"
Blank Monster Trackers - Add monsters from other sources or your own imagination!
PLUS - 20 custom alphabetical tabs to organize your tackers and an instruction booklet on how to g et the most out of your Stat Trackers!
Contents:317 Trackers for Monsters, NPCs, & Animals
50 Character Trackers
50 Blank Monster Trackers
20 Custom Alphabetical Tabs
Instruction Booklet