Too Many Bones: Adventure Map

Too Many Bones: Adventure Map

Product #CHPTMB-ADD-014

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Manufacturer: Chip Theory Games

Simplify tracking your progress in Too Many Bones while adding another stunning component to the table!

Adventure Map 2.0 gives you a visual way to track your progress points in both Too Many Bones and Too Many Bones: Undertow! Using the glass bead included with your core game box, the Adventure Mat replaces your Day Counter card and removes the need to manually track your progress.

This two-sided beautiful neoprene mat features a labeled map of northern Daelore on one side and southern Daelore on the other. Illustrated by Anthony LeTourneau, the Adventure Map 2.0 is also edge-stitched for added durability and beauty.

This is not a stand-alone game. This is an accessory for Too Many Bones.