Turbo Dork: Dry Palette - Large Black Silicone

Turbo Dork: Dry Palette - Large Black Silicone

Product #TDK055038

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Regular Price: $30.00

Special Price: $25.99

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Manufacturer: Turbo Dork

Turbo Dork's silicone non-stick dry palettes are made of compression molded silicone and each features multiple paint wells with a hollow bottom that allows you to pop dried paint right out!

Designed for use with all acrylic paints, but especially those that work best on dry palettes like our Metallic and Turbo Shift paints. Testers have also found that they work amazingly well with one step paints such as Contrast, Speed, and Xpress paints. We recommend white palettes for use with those one step paints and black palettes for use with Metallics and Turbo Shifts. Painters need not use disposable palettes or random bits of cardboard and plastic anymore!

Our large silicone palettes have 12 paint wells, 4 D-Pad shaped mixing areas, and a middle flat deck with two brush rests. We have also worked with Game Envy to re-designed the overall shape of the large palettes so they will fit in the flip top portion of their wet palettes. Offering a painter the ability to have both a wet and dry palette all in one.

Do not use with solvent-based paints.