WarLock Tiles: Encounter in a Box - Prison Break

WarLock Tiles: Encounter in a Box - Prison Break

Product #WZK76501

Regular Price: $29.99

Special Price: $26.99

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Manufacturer: WizKids/NECA

Crime doesn't pay. . .unless you're the law! The local sheriff has turned to humanoid trafficking to remove the undesirables from her community and make some extra coin for her trouble. Can your party of adventurers thwart the sheriff's scheme and rescue her latest victim? With Prison Break, you can find out! From maps to miniatures, this box contains everything you need to run a daring tabletop encounter.

Approximate Height:
  Sheriff: 33mm
  Prisoner: 37mm
  Bailiff A: 37mm
  Bailiff B: 37mm
  Bailiff C: 37mm
  Guard Dog: 25mm

1 Iron Exterior Wall Door, 1"
1 Iron Exterior Wall Door, 2"
1 Straight Stone Wall, 2"
2 Outside Corner Stone Walls, 2"
1 3D Miniature
  ‣ Sheriff (25mm Base)
5 2D Miniatures
  ‣ 3 Bailiffs (25 Base)
  ‣ 1 Prisoner (25mm Base)
  ‣ 1 Guard Dog (25mm Base)
2 Double-Sided Map Tiles (22 x 15cm)
1 Scenario Insert