Bolt Action: German Heer Support Group

Bolt Action: German Heer Support Group

Product #WLG402212006

Regular Price: $47.00

Special Price: $39.99

3 In stock
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Manufacturer: Warlord Games

Forged and tempered in the early years of World War II during the North West Europe and Eastern Front campaigns, the German Army had a core of battle-hardened officers, NCOs, and soldiers.

Supported by two weapons with a high rate of fire - the deadly MG42 medium machine gun (nicknamed "Hitler's Buzzsaw" by the Allies) and the Granatwerfer 34 8cm medium mortar - the Wehrmacht proved a stubborn and well-organized opponent to the end.

Metal components.

2 Offices with Pistol
1 Medic
1 Radio Operator/Spotter
1 Medium Mortar Team
1 MG42 MMG Team
Plastic Bases

Miniatures are supplied unpainted. Preparation and assembly may be required.