Of all the foul things of the world, there are none so undeserving of pity as the crooked creatures that are called Orcs. If they appear kin to the races of the Sunlit World, dispel such illusion, for Orcs are spawned of daemon-blood and foul magic, eager only to do the bidding of evil. Flesh and blood they might be, but their hearts are driven by malignity and cruelty, and their will is that of the insane and hate-filled master that created them at the dawn of time.
Orcs fight with untold savagery that is not courage but which is relentless nonetheless. They are strong and sinewy of limb, and able to endure hurt like no natural creature. Their armors they beat from black iron, and weapons they bear are heavy and cruel, such as can sever limbs and cleave apart the skulls of their enemies.
Rouse the Orcs from the wastes, grim forests, and mountains deep beyond the light of the sun. The hatred that endures in spite of the gods calls for war, and all will be whelmed in darkness and blood.
Plastic components.
Contents: 24 Orc Warriors Weapon Options (Double-handed Weapons, Bows, Hand Weapons, and Shields) Bases Waterslide Shield Design Decals
Miniatures are supplied unpainted. Preparation and assembly may be required.