WWIII Team Yankee: Jaakari Platoon

WWIII Team Yankee: Finnish - Jaakari Platoon

Product #BFM-TFI702

Regular Price: $27.00

Special Price: $24.99

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Manufacturer: Battlefront Miniatures

1:100 Scale

Both Norway and Denmark were quick to join NATO after its establishment in 1949. However, Sweden and Finland remain neutral, each for their own reasons, but always wary of their massive Soviet neighbour.

Metal components.

40 Miniatures
  ‣ 1 RK 62 Teams
  ‣ 7 KK 62 MG or KK PKM MG Teams
  ‣ 2 55 S 55 Anti-tank Teams
  ‣ 2 APILAS Anti-tank Teams
7 Medium Bases
5 Small Bases

Miniatures are supplied unpainted. Preparation and assembly are required.