Star Realms: Cosmic Gambit Expansio

Star Realms: Cosmic Gambit Expansion

Product #WWG010

Regular Price: $6.99

Special Price: $4.99

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Manufacturer: Wise Wizard Games

In the cold, unforgiving battlefield of space, a cunning gambit can prove to be the most powerful weapon in your arsenal.

1 Rules Card
1 Secret Outpost Base Card
13 Gambit Cards
- 1 Acceptable Losses
- 2 Asteroid Mining
- 1 Blackmarket
- 2 Exploration
- 1 Hidden Base
- 2 Rapid Deployment
- 1 Triumphant Return
- 1 Two-Pronged Attack
- 1 Veteran Pilots
- 1 Wild Gambit

Ages: 12+
Players: 2
Game Length: 20 minutes

This is not a stand-alone game. A copy of any stand-alone Star Realms game is required to play.

• Deck, Bag, and Pool Building
• Card Drafting
• Player Elimination
• Take That