Star Trek: Attack Wing - Dominion: Reklar Expansion Pack

Star Trek Attack Wing: Dominion - Reklar Expansion Pack

Product #WZK71798

Regular Price: $14.99

Special Price: $13.99

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Manufacturer: WizKids/NECA

Wave 13 Expansion Pack

The Reklar is a Cardassion Galor-class ship commanded by Gul Lemec. It was the flagship of a fleet which secretly hid in the McCallister C-5 Nebula while preparing to attack the Federation planet, Minos Korva, but their plans were thwarted by the U.S.S. Enterprise-D under the temporary command of Captain Edward Jellico.

1 Reklar / Cardassian Galor Class Pre-Painted Miniature
1 Plastic Base
2 Plastic Pegs
1 Ship Token
5 Action Tokens
- 1 Evade Token
- 1 Scan Token
- 1 Battle Stations Token
- 1 Red Target Lock Token
- 1 Blue Target Lock Token

4 Shield Tokens
1 Critical Hit Token
1 Auxiliary Power Token
1 Disabled Upgrade Token
8 Captain ID Tokens
1 Admiral Token
1 Fleet Action Token
2 Effect Tokens
2 Ship Cards
- Reklar
- Dominion Starship

1 Maneuver Card
- Cardassian Galor Class

3 Captain Cards
- Gul Lemec
- Gul Ocett
- Cardassian

1 Admiral Card
- Gul Madred

6 Upgrade Cards
- Aft Weapons Array
- Coded Messages
- Corak
- Glinn Tajor
- Standard Attack Formation
- Subspace Carrier Wave

2 Mission Cards
- McCallister C-5 Nebula: Mission Overview
- McCallister C-5 Nebula: Special Rules

1 Additional Rules Card
- Admiral Cards / Fleet Action Token / Admiral ID Token

This is not a stand-alone game. A copy of Star Trek Attack Wing: Miniatures Game Starter Set is required to play.