Commands & Colors Tricorne: The American Revolution

Commands & Colors Tricorne: The American Revolution

Product #CPA1039

Regular Price: $109.00

Special Price: $98.99

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Manufacturer: Compass Games

Commands & Colors Tricorne: The American Revolution is based on the highly successful Commands & Colors system, where Command cards drive movement of your forces during game play, while simultaneously creating a fog of war on the battlefield. Battle dice resolve combat quickly and efficiently, keeping the game tempo high.

By design, Tricorne is not overly complex, however many new Commands & Colors system concepts are introduced in this series, which add historical depth and provide even the most veteran player with many new play experiences and challenges.

The scale of the game fluctuates, allowing players to effectively portray some of the larger American Revolution battles, as well as smaller sized skirmish actions. In some scenarios, an infantry unit may represent an entire brigade, while in others a unit may only represent a few companies of soldiers. Still the linear tactics of the period, that you must execute to gain victory, conform remarkably well to the advantage and limitations inherent to the various American Revolution Armies of the day, and the battlefield terrain features on which they fought. To further emphasize the differences in battlefield doctrine between the British and Continental forces, each army has its own unique deck of Combat cards.

1 Battlefield Game Board
75 Terrain Tiles
30 Victory Banner Counters
60 Command Cards
48 Combat Cards
309 Blocks
8 Battle Dice
5 Block & Dice Label Sheets
2 Summary Cards
1 Rule and Scenario Booklet

Ages: 14+
Players: 2
Game Length: 60-90 minutes

This game can be played on its own or combined with Commands & Colors Tricorne: Jacobite Rising for enhanced play.

• Campaign / Battle Card Driven
• Dice Rolling
• Hand Management
• Hexagon Grid
• Modular Board