Quarto Mini

Quarto Mini


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Manufacturer: Gigamic Games

Quarto @ 2:04:50

Thinking "Tic-Tac-Toe"? Think again. Even though Quarto's rules are grasped in one minute, they are the first step of a long journey through its strategic depth.

Your goal: Be the fist one to line up four pieces sharing the same attribute. Simple indeed, but wait, there is a twist! On your turn, you do not choose which piece you play. Your opponent does. As the board is filling up, tension grows and options narrow. But one this for sure: you want to stand on the receiving end of the winning pieces.

Beautiful and captivating, Quarto is as much a game as it is a piece of art. While its intriguing design will fascinate your friends and family, it is the satisfaction of a cunning victory that will keep them coming back for more.

1 Board (≈17cm x 17cm)
16 Wooden Pieces
  ‣ 8 Tall Pieces (36mm tall)
  ‣ 8 Short Pieces (29mm tall)
1 Cloth Bag

Ages: 8+
Players: 2
Game Length: 15 minutes

Do you think that bigger is better? Check out Quarto!

• I Cut, You Choose
• Pattern Building
• Pattern Recognition