A Feast for Odin

A Feast for Odin

Product #ZMG71690

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Manufacturer: Feuerland

Top 5 Eurogames

Delve into the world of Vikings and dabble in trading, hunting, raiding, pillaging, plundering, and raiding some more. Build houses, explore new worlds, and every round, have a feast in Odin's name.

In this great strategy game, Uwe Rosenberg lets you relive a bygone era. The large variety of actions and occupations guarantees your Northerners long-lasting fun, with each game creating a new world on your player board!

A big Viking box full of components and possibilities!

Includes a gameboard for two players and two mini-expansions (Islands and Harvest).


2 Goods Boxes
1 d8
1 d12
1 Large Double-sided Action Board
4 Home Boards
1 Small Supply Board
4 Double-Sided Exploration Boards
1 Oval Supply Board
15 Special Tiles
2 Extension Tiles
1 Large Round Overview Tile
11 Building Tiles
8 Mountain Strips
32 Ship Tiles
125 Coins
96 Wooden Goods
  ‣ 32 Wood
  ‣ 24 Stone
  ‣ 40 Ore
190 Occupation Cards
47 Red Weapon Cards
346 Goods Tiles
50 Other Wooden Components
  ‣ 48 Vikings
  ‣ 1 Start Player Moose
  ‣ 1 Round Tracker
Islands Mini-Expansion
  ‣ 1 Exploration Board
Harvest Mini-Expansion
  ‣ 1 Exploration Board
  ‣ 12 Berries/Egg Tiles
  ‣ 9 Amber/Goldgubber Tiles
  ‣ 10 Resource Markers
  ‣ 1 Special Tile
  ‣ 4 Harvest Marker
  ‣ 4 Harvest Markers w/o Harvest
1 Appendix
1 Rulebook
1 Rulebook

Ages: 12+
Players: 1-4
Game Length: 100-120 minutes

Due to distribution restrictions we are only able to ship this product to the United States, Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands.

Get Organized! Click here to check out the Box Insert for this game!

• Dice Rolling
• Press Your Luck
• Tile Placement
• Worker Placement
• Pattern Building