Osprey Publishing
In the blasted, radiation-scorched wastelands of the Earth's surface, towering mecha do battle, defending the interests of one of the few remaining arcology governments, providing security for wilderness outposts, or seeking out loot and supplies as a mercenary company.
Gamma Wolves is a fast-playing game of post-apocalyptic mecha warfare with detailed rules for designing and customizing your mecha, from size and propulsion type to loadout and pilot skills. Take on your opponents in individual pick-up games, or start a greater adventure with the integrated campaign system, tracking the progress of your Crew as they search for salvage and glory in the lawless wastelands of the shattered Earth.
You will use simple design rules to assemble a Crew of 3-5 Single-Pilot fighting machines (called Frames) from your favorite models. Then, you battle for the few remaining resources in the wastes of an Earth destroyed by humanity. The design system uses a footprint format of standardized bases that you simply fill in with your favorite robots. You can adapt the game scale to whatever best fits your model collection. Standardized base-sizes allow the game to work fluidly, regardless of the model types on which you end up basing your Frames.
In addition to this rulebook, you will need:•
Frames (Mecha models) - Three to five models per player.
Cards - Frame Card and Pilot Card templates are available in the rulebook. You can cut these out and laminate them, you can use dry-wipe markers to quickly change information you need to track during a game.
Contact Markers - At the beginning of an Engagement, if a Frame is not yet visible to the enemy, it is instead deployed as a Contact Marker. A Contact Marker is simply a base of the same size as the Frame being deployed.
Dice - Each player needs about a dozen six-sided dice.
Play Area - A play of area of 4' x 4' (120cm x 120cm) is recommended.
Tokens - Three types of tokens are used.
Pilot Stress: For most games, you will not need more than 12 tokens per player.
Reactor Stress: These tokens track how hard a Frame is pushed in combat and how much it can maneuver during a turn (the faster it moves, the more power it consumes).
Mission: These tokens should be 40mm (roughly 1.5") circular tokens.